Stockport School of Gymnastics


Frank Williams Competition 2004

The Frank Williams Recreational Competition was held on 3rd July 2004 at the Dialstone Recreation Centre. 180 gymnasts from the Borough of Stockport and surrounding districts competed on the Floor, Beam and Vault

For the first time this year the competition was covered by the Stockport Express

The competition was entered by the following clubs:           

Poynton, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Brabyns, Didsbury, Avondale and Newall Green

Here are the overall team positions:                                                                                                                See Below for All Scores and Photos












































Girls Aged 5 and Under

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Girls Aged 6

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
                  Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Hannah McMurray Stockport 9.450 1 7.300 5 6.850 1 23.600 1
Abbi Jo Humphrey Stockport 9.000 6 7.500 2 6.425 2 22.925 2
Penny Jones Stockport 9.050 5 7.450 3 6.350 3 22.850 3
Tallulah Jones Didsbury 9.350 2 7.000 7 6.250 4 22.600 4
Ella Roberts Stockport 9.100 4 7.400 4 5.925 6 22.425 5
Georgia Moore Hazel Gr 8.900 7 7.200 6 6.200 5 22.300 6
Anastasia Knowles Didsbury 9.300 3 7.000 7 5.675 8 21.975 7
Emily Moore Hazel Gr 6.750 8 8.300 1 5.375 10 20.425 8
Georgia Murray Stockport 9.000 6 5.000 9 5.725 7 19.725 9
Nicola Cherry Poynton 6.350 9 6.900 8 5.625 9 18.875 10


Girls Aged 7

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
                Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Amy Shapiro Stockport 9.400 2 7.350 4 7.175 1 23.925 1
Lucy Ratcliffe Avondale 9.000 7 7.700 3 7.025 2 23.725 2
Lucy Armstrong Stockport 8.800 9 7.900 2 6.925 3 23.625 3
Abby Cartwright Hazel Gr 8.900 8 8.250 1 6.225 7 23.375 4
Melissa Knott Stockport 9.200 4 7.100 6 6.650 5 22.950 5
Katie Cunnie Brabyns 8.800 9 7.200 5 6.700 4 22.700 6
Helen Chapman Poynton 9.150 5 6.900 8 6.200 8 22.250 7
Katie Chadwick Hazel Gr 9.300 3 7.100 6 5.675 11 22.075 8
Georgia Cowell Stockport 8.700 10 7.000 7 6.000 9 21.700 9
Charlotte Baker Stockport 8.400 12 7.000 7 6.200 8 21.600 10
Emma Rigby Poynton 8.600 11 6.900 8 5.400 12 20.900 11
Hannah Hatton Poynton 7.350 13 7.000 7 4.375 13 18.725 12
Kirsten Muat Stockport 9.100 6 7.000 7 0.000 14 16.100 13
Lorna Carpenter Poynton 9.100 6 0.000 9 6.550 6 15.650 14
Molly Hetherington Poynton 9.500 1 0.000 9 5.900 10 15.400 15


Girls Aged 8

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
                       Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Abigail Verschueren Brabyns 9.300 1 7.800 7 7.400 1 24.500 1
Katie Grant Stockport 8.850 7 8.300 4 6.600 2 23.750 2
Millie Hampson Poynton 9.150 3 8.300 4 5.900 5 23.350 3
Holly Shore Poynton 9.000 5 8.500 1 5.300 8 22.800 4
Darcy Cecil-Oakes Didsbury 9.300 1 7.600 8 5.900 5 22.800 4
Jessica Webb Hazel Gr 9.150 3 8.300 4 5.300 8 22.750 5
Hannah Berry Hazel Gr 8.700 9 8.200 5 5.800 6 22.700 6
Stephanie Colebourn Hazel Gr 9.100 4 7.300 11 6.100 3 22.500 7
Sarah Heginbotham Brabyns 9.100 4 7.200 12 6.000 4 22.300 8
Bethany Larthe Avondale 8.800 8 8.100 6 5.100 9 22.000 9
Kate Hawker Poynton 8.900 6 8.450 2 4.400 12 21.750 10
Charlotte Hickman Avondale 9.200 2 7.100 13 5.400 7 21.700 11
Lauren Keates Hazel Gr 8.650 10 7.400 10 4.900 10 20.950 12
Olivia Burns Didsbury 9.000 5 7.300 11 4.600 11 20.900 13
Emma Hodkinson Hazel Gr 8.500 11 7.500 9 4.000 13 20.000 14
Katie Chadderton Poynton 8.700 9 8.350 3 0.000 14 17.050 15
Joy Gale Newall Gr 8.400 12 5.000 14 0.000 14 13.400 16


Girls Aged 9

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
            Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Olivia Gorrie Stockport 9.600 1 8.200 3 7.800 2 25.600 1
Ysabel McGuire Didsbury 9.100 10 8.100 4 8.350 1 25.550 2
Emily Connors Stockport 9.400 5 8.400 2 7.400 6 25.200 3
Hannah McBride Avondale 9.450 4 7.900 6 7.775 3 25.125 4
Abigail Shaw Hazel Gr 9.200 9 8.750 1 7.125 9 25.075 5
Laura Fox Brabyns 9.600 1 8.200 3 7.100 10 24.900 6
Samantha Brooks Avondale 9.300 7 8.400 2 7.200 7 24.900 6
Lucy Crane Didsbury 9.500 3 7.600 9 7.700 4 24.800 7
Emily Herrera Didsbury 9.350 6 8.000 5 7.075 11 24.425 8
Hollie Maddocks Poynton 9.200 9 8.200 3 6.975 12 24.375 9
Frankie White Stockport 9.500 3 7.200 12 7.475 5 24.175 10
Ria White Didsbury 9.200 9 7.700 8 7.175 8 24.075 11
Jessica Burns Brabyns 9.400 5 7.200 12 7.075 11 23.675 12
Holly Saxon Hazel Gr 9.550 2 7.600 9 6.525 15 23.675 12
Ellie Brown Avondale 9.200 9 7.200 12 6.850 13 23.250 13
Christy O'Rourke Poynton 9.200 9 7.500 10 6.375 16 23.075 14
Kimberley Yeung Hazel Gr 9.300 7 7.600 9 5.900 20 22.800 15
Beth Nelson Stockport 9.000 11 7.100 14 6.675 14 22.775 16
Caroline Bowden Poynton 9.250 8 7.250 11 6.200 18 22.700 17
Alexia Southeren Poynton 9.300 7 7.000 15 6.300 17 22.600 18
Abi Wylie Poynton 9.300 7 7.150 13 6.075 19 22.525 19
Amy Cartwright Hazel Gr 9.100 10 7.100 14 6.075 19 22.275 20
Amy Stevenson Brabyns 9.200 9 7.000 15 5.700 21 21.900 21
Cara Mullin Newall Gr 9.100 10 8.000 5 0.000 22 17.100 22
Maria Boodhoo Didsbury 9.200 9 7.800 7 0.000 22 17.000 23


Girls Aged 10

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
                 Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Bethany Ackerley Avondale 9.000 5 9.100 1 6.400 2 24.500 1
Laura Wynne Brabyns 8.650 11 8.350 2 7.100 1 24.100 2
Katie Knott Stockport 9.000 5 8.100 5 6.200 3 23.300 3
Emma Ferguson Stockport 8.900 7 8.300 3 5.500 8 22.700 4
Natasha Hulse Brabyns 8.700 10 8.000 6 6.000 5 22.700 4
Jessica Crampton Didsbury 9.250 3 7.500 9 5.900 6 22.650 5
Rachel Penney Stockport 8.900 7 8.000 6 5.600 7 22.500 6
Rachel Jackson Stockport 9.150 4 7.250 12 6.100 4 22.500 6
Amy Buckley Brabyns 8.950 6 8.200 4 5.300 10 22.450 7
Rebecca Bradford Brabyns 9.150 4 7.300 11 6.000 5 22.450 7
Rosie Jones Poynton 9.550 1 7.240 13 5.600 7 22.390 8
Fiona Farnsworth Stockport 8.700 10 7.900 7 5.400 9 22.000 9
Katie Ruston Kemp Avondale 8.700 10 7.800 8 5.100 12 21.600 10
Sophie Keates Hazel Gr 9.300 2 7.250 12 4.800 14 21.350 11
Katie Shuff Poynton 8.900 7 7.250 12 5.200 11 21.350 11
Amy Peace Stockport 8.800 8 7.200 14 5.100 12 21.100 12
Charlotte Warren Poynton 7.250 13 7.300 11 6.100 4 20.650 13
Avia Wallen Hazel Gr 7.400 12 7.800 8 4.500 15 19.700 14
Amy Gale Newall Gr 8.750 9 6.000 15 0.000 16 14.750 15
Millie Boardman Poynton 0.000 14 7.400 10 5.000 13 12.400 16


Girls Aged 11

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
         Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Lucy Proctor Avondale 9.400 4 9.800 1 7.825 4 27.025 1
Hannah Ratcliffe Stockport 9.700 1 8.850 5 8.050 1 26.600 2
Sophie Clarke Stockport 9.600 2 9.100 3 7.550 8 26.250 3
Tanya Audas Avondale 9.600 2 9.350 2 7.125 13 26.075 4
Sonia Bamford Didsbury 9.200 8 8.900 4 7.650 6 25.750 5
Rachael Doherty Stockport 9.400 4 8.200 8 7.950 2 25.550 6
Louise Mayo Stockport 9.300 6 8.400 7 7.625 7 25.325 7
Nicola Pilbeam Stockport 9.500 3 7.900 10 7.700 5 25.100 8
Suzanne Martin Avondale 9.250 7 7.800 11 7.850 3 24.900 9
Jessica Thornley Stockport 9.300 6 8.000 9 7.400 9 24.700 10
Dan Farrell Stockport 9.500 3 7.800 11 7.325 10 24.625 11
Catherine Ellerbeck Stockport 9.200 8 8.000 9 7.200 12 24.400 12
Sophie Bardsley Poynton 9.300 6 7.400 14 7.300 11 24.000 13
Eleanore O'Sullivan Stockport 9.200 8 7.750 12 6.675 14 23.625 14
Faye Gale Newall Gr 9.400 4 7.600 13 6.575 15 23.575 15
Amy Fairweather Poynton 9.350 5 7.000 16 6.400 16 22.750 16
Sarah Lowry Stockport 9.200 8 6.000 17 6.375 17 21.575 17
Emma Hancock Stockport 9.300 6 8.750 6 0.000 18 18.050 18
Ellis Michaels Poynton 9.150 9 7.200 15 0.000 18 16.350 19
Amy Evans Newall Gr 9.100 10 7.200 15 0.000 18 16.300 20


Girls Aged 12

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
            Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Sophie Jackson Stockport 9.450 3 8.600 3 6.300 1 24.350 1
Molly Greenwood Stockport 9.600 1 8.450 5 6.000 4 24.050 2
Jayne Arundale Stockport 9.400 4 8.700 2 5.900 5 24.000 3
Amy Bettinson Brabyns 9.500 2 8.000 9 6.200 2 23.700 4
Danielle Bradley Avondale 9.100 8 8.750 1 5.800 6 23.650 5
Alexandria Vernon Stockport 9.200 7 8.200 7 6.100 3 23.500 6
Holly Murray Avondale 9.350 5 7.950 10 6.000 4 23.300 7
Amy Slobodian Stockport 9.300 6 8.550 4 5.400 7 23.250 8
Louise Clegg Poynton 9.400 4 8.400 6 5.400 7 23.200 9
Rebecca Chapman Poynton 9.400 4 7.200 11 6.000 4 22.600 10
Joanna Hibbert Poynton 0.000 9 8.100 8 6.200 2 14.300 11


Girls Aged 13

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
              Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Jade Smith Avondale 9.500 3 8.500 3 7.400 1 25.400 1
Francesca Randle Brabyns 9.400 5 8.500 3 7.200 2 25.100 2
Jessica Ward Brabyns 9.650 1 9.100 1 6.300 5 25.050 3
Claire Smallwood Stockport 9.400 5 8.400 4 7.200 2 25.000 4
Pernilla Svensson Brabyns 9.450 4 9.050 2 6.200 6 24.70 5
Charlie Hughes Poynton 8.850 10 8.400 4 7.000 3 24.250 6
Elizabeth Hartt Avondale 9.300 6 8.300 5 6.500 4 24.100 7
Helen Le Sueur Brabyns 9.600 2 8.000 7 6.100 7 23.700 8
Rachel Bardsley Poynton 9.100 9 8.500 3 6.000 8 23.600 9
Helen Ranson Stockport 9.200 7 8.100 6 6.200 6 23.500 10
Gemma Greenup Stockport 9.150 8 8.100 6 5.500 9 22.750 11
Jade Sparrow Newall Gr 8.050 11 8.100 6 0.000 10 16.150 12

Girls Aged 14 and Over

Name Club Floor Vault Beam Overall
            Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Kirsty Ferguson Didsbury 9.400 4 9.300 2 8.000 2 26.700 1
Sam Ashton Stockport 9.700 1 9.600 1 7.175 7 26.475 2
Catherine Hulse Brabyns 9.450 3 9.200 3 7.700 4 26.350 3
Louise Hey Stockport 9.500 2 8.900 5 7.925 3 26.325 4
Sarah Williams Avondale 9.400 4 8.600 6 8.200 1 26.200 5
Charlot Leach Didsbury 9.000 7 9.100 4 7.550 5 25.650 6
Tamara Williams Barnes Didsbury 9.200 6 8.000 8 7.925 3 25.125 7
Elizabeth Sankey Stockport 9.400 4 8.200 7 7.375 6 24.975 8
Becky Stern Avondale 9.500 2 8.200 7 6.475 10 24.175 9
Abi Boardman Poynton 9.450 3 8.200 7 6.375 11 24.025 10
Hannah Marsh Stockport 9.300 5 7.100 9 6.850 8 23.250 11
Rachel Ollson Didsbury 9.200 6 0.000 10 6.725 9 15.925 12

Boys Aged 9 and under

Name Club Floor Vault Overall
            Score Position Score Position Score Position
Bradley Davidson Stockport 9.400 2 8.000 2 17.400 1
Dominic Hancock Stockport 9.300 3 8.050 1 17.350 2
James Dougherty Stockport 9.200 4 7.900 3 17.100 3
Adam Weir Brabyns 9.400 2 7.500 4 16.900 4
Jack Ward Brabyns 9.500 1 7.300 5 16.800 5
Alex Hancock Stockport 9.200 4 7.500 4 16.700 6

Boys Aged 10 and Over

                Score Position Score Position
Tom Priest Avondale 9.000 4 8.500 5
Tom Bell Avondale 9.300 3 9.700 1
Alex Norris Stockport 8.950 5 9.100 3
Lewis Bolton Stockport 9.500 1 8.700 4
Jake Rowell Newall Green 8.700 6 7.550 6
John Williams Barnes Didsbury 9.400 2 9.500 2