NEW CLASS ALERT - Toddler session - a guided session on Wednesdays 9:15-10am, walking to 4 years. Starting on the 21st April.


SSoG Honours

Our club has a number of honours which are awarded to our gymnasts throughout the year, see below for the details and click on the links below to see our halls of fame:


Gymnast of the Year

Each year the club coaches vote for the gymnast, who in their opinion, has contributed to the club in an outstanding way, not only in competitions, but also in training, attitude and help around the club.This gymnast will win the Gymnast of the Year Trophy which is handed out at the Club Championships each year.

Our current gymnast of the year is:     Rebekah Mooney

To see our past winners:   click here


The Frank Williams Trophy

This trophy has been made in memory of Frank Williams who was one of SSoG’s founding members back in 1986. The Frank Williams trophy is handed out to the highest scoring Level 4/3/Regional FIG gymnast in the Club Championships.

Our current Frank Williams Trophy Winner is:     Rebekah Mooney

To see our past winners:   click here


The Novice Cup

This trophy was donated to the club by Dave Griffiths in 2012.  The Novice Cup will be handed out to the highest scoring Novice gymnast in the Club Championships.

Our current Novice Trophy winner is:     Anna Marsh

To see our past winners:   click here


The President’s Shield

This shield was donated to the club from the SSoG Club President, Pete Stanway. The President’s Shield is handed out to the highest scoring Pre-Novice gymnast in the Club Championships.

Our current President’s Shield winner is:     Kate Wigglesworth

To see our past winners:   click here


The Grades Cup

This trophy was donated by the Sefton family, and is awarded to the gymnast who achieves the top score in the grades category of the club championships.

Our current President’s Shield winner is:     Ellen Ijima

To see our past winners:   click here