We can now use the pits
British Gymnastics have approved the use of pits when we open on 12th April. Following the results of research British Gymnastics have consulted with their Chief Medical Officer and Health and Safety Experts Agility and are allowing the reintroduction of foam pits as long as we have safeguards in place in addition to the social distancing and cleaning protocols.
• To reduce the risk of transmission only one person may be in the pit at any one time. Where it is necessary for more than one person to enter the foam e.g., in an emergency, the pit should not be used for 90 minutes to ensure any potential viral load has disappeared before further use.
• Ensure that a gap of 1 minute is introduced between each gymnast using the pitted area. This time gap was a key factor in the study results and in turn lowering the Covid transmission risk.
• Make sure that the pit is vacated as quickly as possible after use. For example, wait until the gymnast is out of the foam before providing feedback on the skill performed.
• Pit use should be limited to essential skill development activities only. Where possible, utilise other set ups.
• We will not carry out skills which require both the coach and gymnast to be in the pit at the same time.
This is great news and we see this of a sign that we are gradually getting back towards normality.

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