Stockport School of Gymnastics





Stockport School Of Gymnastics 2007

Top Row : Cathy Healy, Lynzi Humphreys, Phil Richardson, Mike Dooley, Katie Smith, Vicki Healy, Sarah Potter, Hollie Maddocks, Jade Waldron, Claire Leach, Sophie Jackson, Louise Hey, Rosie Jones,  Pete Stanway.

Third Row: Mike Healy, Sarah Johnson, Kerys Heath, Phoebe Hulme, Charlotte Hickman, Laura Hallworth, Danielle Richardson, Chelsie Collins, Lucy Lagrosse, Sam Webb, Emily Sefton, Georgia Hewitt, Colette Lowe, Anna Beetson, Jessica Glover, Katy Fairbrother, Bev Perkins

Second Row: Hollie Ward, Emma Leach, Lucy Wylie, Molly Eastwick, Hannah Gregg, Katie Worth, Emma Wylie, Megan Oliver, Katherine Hickson, Maisey Leonard, Olivia Fletcher, Chloe Andrew, Jessica Todd, Stevie Taylor

Front Row: Millie Ratcliffe, Megan Dooley, Jade Hollick, Emily Oakley-Keenan, Sarah Pierce, Millie Jones, Samantha Hall, Isabella Stanyer, Ellie Maddocks, Carla Mansfield, Chloe Astley, Isobelle Blissett, Leanne Bates, Alicia Longden-King, Ella Cleaver, Evie Hancox, Hannah Ratcliffe


Club Championships,  December 2007



Gymnast of the Year -    

                                                            Laura Sefton

Frank Williams Trophy Winner  - 

                                                            Stevie Taylor

President's Shield Winner -      

                                                     Leandra Brennan

Two-Piece Novice Winners - 

                                                       Hollie Maddocks

                                                      Hannah Ratcliffe

Two-Piece Pre Novice Winner - 

                                                              Emma Wylie

Grades Trophy Winner -      

                                                        Carla Mansfield



NWGA Novice and Levels Championships, November 2007

Laura Sefton - North West Novice Champion 2007


NWGA Novice and Levels Championships, November 2007

Leandra Brennan, Anna Beetson, Emily Sefton


NWGA Novice Team Challenge, September 2007

Sarah Potter, Laura Sefton, Jessica Todd, Shushana Brennan, Hollie Ward

Samantha Webb, Emily Sefton, Leandra Brennan, Georgia Hewitt


Frank Williams Recreational Competition July 2007

Girls aged 4 Vault Presentation


Rochdale Invitational Floor and Vault Championships July 2007

Alannah Birtwhistle, Natalie Harvey, Rachael Doherty, Katie Knott

Hana Skarrat, Chelsie Collins, Lucy Lagrosse, Lucy Armstrong, Hannah Berry


NWGA Floor and Vault Championships June 2007

Chloe Astley, Chloe Andrew, Carla Mansfield


GMGA Novice and Levels Championships May 2007

Shushana Brennan, Emily Sefton, Laura Sefton, Sam Webb, Hollie Ward


GMGA Floor and Vault Championships May 2007

Shelby Maddocks, Colette Lowe, Eve Hancox, Hannah Berry, Jade Hollick


April/May 2007: French Exchange - Stockport visits Armentieres

Stockport Gymnasts:

Claire Ferguson, Ashley Parker, Jade Waldron

Emma Leach, Claire Leach, Louise Costigan, Laura Sefton, Hollie Ward, Jessica Todd, Shushana Brennan

Katy Fairbrother, Nicole Parish-Bailey, Emily Sefton, Georgia Hewitt, Leandra Brannan


Phil Tighe Competition April 2007

Megan Dooley, Chloe Andrew, Eve Hancox, Jade Hollick. Shelby Maddocks


Stockport Easter Competition April 2007

Kirsty Mansfield, Emma Leach, Stevie Taylor, Anna Beetson


NWAGA Grades Finals March 2007

Jade Hollick makes the 2007 grade 6 out of age team


NWAGA Grades March 2007

Hollie Ward, Kirsty Mansfield, Sarah Potter, Louise Costigan, Stevie Taylor


GMGA Grades February 2007

Shelby Maddocks, Jade Hollick, Eve Hancox

Jade Hollick - 4th overall Grade 6 out of age

Carla Mansfield - Pre Grade 6 Champion 2007