Stockport School of Gymnastics


Phil Tighe Memorial Competition 2004


The first results are available and are a very good read for the gymnasts from Stockport. We did not win any medals but were very close in some large classes where our girls were up against gymnasts from other clubs who were in grades and trained for more than 1 hour per week. A big well done.

Special SSoG Mentions to:

Emily Connors, Michelle Grundy and Rebecca Connors who each achieved 5th place overall in their age groups. 


Girls Aged 8 and Under 

Name Vault Floor Overall
      Score Position Score Position Score Position
Anna Beetson 7.300 61 9.300 11 16.600 52
Jessica Glover 7.200 63 8.800 47 16.000 62
Hannah Townsend 7.000 69 8.100 63 15.100 68
Lauren Mills 7.100 67 9.050 32 16.150 58
Emily Connors 9.150 10 9.350 6 18.500 5
Samantha Webb 8.300 43 8.900 45 17.200 42


Girls Aged 10 and Under 

Name Vault Floor Overall
      Score Position Score Position Score Position
Jessica Brown 8.350 38 9.000 25 17.350 32
Alannah Birtwistle 8.800 25 9.280 9 18.080 11
Sophie Clarke 8.700 29 9.250 11 17.950 19
Laura Simpson 8.050 48 9.300 5 17.350 32


Girls Aged 12 and Under

Name Vault Floor Overall
         Score Position Score Position Score Position
Dan Farrell 8.100 40 8.100 24 16.200 37
Emma Johnson 8.200 38 8.300 22 16.500 33
Tanya Audas 8.900 21 8.900 11 17.800 12
Molly Greenwood 8.500 33 7.700 36 16.200 37
Michelle Grundy 9.100 12 9.100 4 18.200 5
Ellen Douglas 8.100 40 7.600 40 15.700 43
Rebecca Connors 9.200 5 9.000 8 18.200 5
Hannah Ratcliffe 8.800 26 8.500 18 17.300 19