British Gymnastics Membership
You may remember that we told you about the new registration process for BG membership in the last newsletter. The information is repeated below. British Gymnastics will open up their website for you to register directly with them from 8.00 on Sunday 1st October and you must complete the process by 12th October. Remember you must settle your invoice with SSoG before completing the BG registration process.
Some information to help you complete the BG forms.
The Club Name is Stockport School of Gymnastics Ltd
The type of membership you require is one of 3 available and you should refer to the SSoG invoice as to which one we have invoiced you for. BG have thrown us a curved ball by changing what they call them, so this may help
This will be shown as Pre-School on your invoice and covers both Independent and Pre-School with Parents.
This will be shown as Bronze Membership on your invoice and covers all Recreational Classes at Newby Rd and Offerton, Teens Classes, Adult Classes, Home School Classes, Judges, Club Officials, Competition Squad, some Coaches and some Club Gymnasts.
Competitive Gymnast
This will be shown as Silver Membership on your invoice and covers some Club Gymnasts and some Coaches.
We understand there is a tick box selection for the type of gymnastics you do. Select Men’s, Women’s, Adults or Gymfit. Other options may be available, but to date we are not sure on the choices.
The last tick box is on payment and as you have already paid SSoG the Already Paid Club box should be selected. You cannot select the other box as only 1 option is available for all members of the club and we have selected for members to pay us.
We will have help available at the club to walk you through the process if you are having problems and there are leaflets available at both the Newby Rd and Offerton Centres
Ready to start the process? Click here to go to the BG Membership page.
Dear Member, Parent or Guardian,
Did you know that joining our club includes becoming a member of British Gymnastics, the national governing body for gymnastics in the UK? Until this year we have sent members’ details such as names, ages and addresses to British Gymnastics to allow them to activate personal member benefits for you, such as insurance and discounts, and to send out your membership pack.
From October 2017, to comply with new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we will no longer be able to pass on these personal details to British Gymnastics. We are therefore asking all members (or your parent/guardian if you are under 16 years old) to renew your British Gymnastics membership directly through the British Gymnastics website.
A new membership process – here’s how it works
After registering with the club and paying us your combined club and British Gymnastics membership fee, you (or your parent or guardian) will need to go to the British Gymnastics website to complete the new membership or renewal process.
This process creates your vital insurance cover. Until that registration process is completed on the British Gymnastics website you will not be able to attend our classes.
The registration system on the British Gymnastics website is quick and easy to use by mobile phone, tablet, computer or laptop. You won’t need to pay anything extra.
British Gymnastics will activate your membership and insurance cover immediately as well as sending your membership confirmation and benefits information by both post and email.
British Gymnastics will notify us when you have completed your registration.
We’ll give you more information to help you with this process before memberships are due in October. Thank you for your patience and co-operation with this change.