Changes to Recreational Class times
To allow social distancing to work we are changing the session lengths from 60 to 45 minutes. This will help to reduce the congestion in the reception area and reduce the opportunity for the spread of infection. We are keeping all start times the same, but the finish times will be 15 minutes earlier. We have also delayed the start of the competitive sections by 30 minutes so there is no overlap between rec and their training sessions.
The new class times are as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (Newby Rd)
Session 1 is 16.15 to 17.00
Session 2 is 17.15 to 18.00
Friday (Newby Rd)
16.00 to 16.45
Saturday (Newby Rd)
Session 1 is 09.00 to 09.45
Session 2 is 10.00 to 10.45
Session 3 is 11.00 to 11.45
Session 4 is 12.00 to 12.45
Saturday (Offerton)
Session 1 is 10.00 to 10.45
Session 2 is 11.00 to 11.45
Session 3 is 12.00 to 12.45
Session 4 is 13.30 to 14.15
Session 5 is 14.30 to 15.15
There are no changes to the Pre-School, Youths, Adult and Ladies Fitness Classes. Parent and Toddlers will also run as normal as numbers have already dramatically reduced as customers make their personal choices.
Please do not turn up too early and if you do please sit in the car. We would recommend that you drop off your children outside the gym and pick them up outside the gym too. We recognise that some younger children will need help with getting changed or with hand washing, but please do not hang around. The balcony will still be open, but we would ask parents/guardians and other family members not to stay and watch for the foreseeable future.
We are creating a safe zone outside the main door at Newby Rd by adding barricades to stop cars entering the area where parents will be waiting.
Please make sure that all gymnasts wash their hands, on arrival at gym and on departure. We will supply handwash and toilet paper as usual. We do not have hand sanitiser so please bring your own for additional cleanliness (recommended)
Please take notice of the UK Gov advice on Stay at Home with the 14 day family isolation period.
General notes on SSoG arrangements are on the website, which we will update as regularly as UK Gov/BG advice changes.