Holiday time and the centre is not being used all day, so time to get on with jobs. The pits need to be cleaned out on a regular basis as they collect dust, chalk and socks. It’s a bit of a job as all the foam logs need to be removed, the base hoovered out and then it all put back together. A big thank you to all who helped.
Foam removed and the base foam covered in debris
The foam was stacked neatly at the side of the pit. Well it started that way, but it was soon put anywhere as there is a lot of foam.
A big thanks to all those who came and helped. It took less than a day.
Items found in the pit. Not sure about the moisturiser, but all was dry and no mice.
All clean and waiting for foam to be reloaded.
Foam back in and all fluffed up. There seems to be more that we took out!
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