Stockport School of Gymnastics


Flic Flac Autumn Invitational Competition 2014


This was another fantastic weekend at Flic Flac gymnastics in Chorley, and our gymnasts had an extremely successful competition.

A big medal haul was taken back to SSoG, and we had overall champions in 3 of the categories. They also handed out lollipops to 4th placed gymnasts, which seemed more popular than the medals! Congratulations to all involved!

Well done to our overall champions: 

 Sophie Wigglesworth, Erin Kiersey and Elyce Pearson,

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      Vault Floor Beam Bars Overall
     Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Ellie Winskill  8.700 5 9.200 11 8.000 9 8.300 8 34.200 12
Ceira Mooney  8.300 8 10.600 5 8.100 8 9.000 1 36.000 9
Ava Hodson  8.600 6 10.850 1 7.900 10 8.900 2 36.250 6
Annabel Clarke  8.600 6 10.700 3 8.400 5 8.800 3 36.500 3
Ruby Hyde  9.100 1 10.650 4 8.200 7 8.500 6 36.450 4
Gabriella Widdall  8.400 7 10.750 2 8.000 9 9.000 1 36.150 8
Millie Simpson  8.600 6 10.100 8 8.500 4 8.700 4 35.900 10
Sophie Wiggleworth  9.000 2 10.650 4 8.800 1 8.600 5 37.050 1
Kate Wiggleworth  8.800 4 10.750 2 8.300 6 8.800 3 36.650 2


Blaze aged 7

        Vault Floor Beam Bars Overall
       Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Lily Davison 8.800 3 10.150 5 6.900 10 8.300 6 34.150 12


Blaze aged 8

       Vault Floor Beam Bars Overall
        Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Brodie Tideswell  8.900 3 10.650 7 8.700 3 8.800 1 37.050 3
Elyce Pearson  8.800 4 11.000 1 8.800 2 8.600 3 37.200 1
Sophie Fletcher  8.700 5 10.050 12 8.100 7 8.700 2 35.550 12
Phoebe Fisher  8.600 6 10.350 9 7.600 10 8.400 5 34.950 13


Blaze aged 9

       Vault Floor Beam Bars Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Olivia Heapy  8.800 3 10.900 2 8.100 4 8.700 3 36.500 3
Erin Kiersey  8.700 4 11.000 1 8.500 1 8.900 2 37.100 1


Rose aged 9

      Vault Floor Beam Bars Overall
       Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Charlotte Cleaver  9.000 6 12.100 4 9.000 2 8.600 5 38.700 3


Rose aged 10

    Vault Floor Beam Bars Overall
       Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Zoe Jones  9.400 4 12.100 4 8.000 8 8.800 4 38.300 6
Elisabeth Wall  8.700 9 11.600 6 9.100 1 9.000 3 38.400 5


Rose aged 11-13

    Vault Floor Beam Bars Overall
    Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Lilliana Ashton  8.900 11 11.500 8 8.600 5 7.400 10 36.400 12