Stockport School of Gymnastics


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Each year we take part in local carnivals, either Hazel Grove or in more recent years, Stockport. The float is decorated on the morning of the procession and filled with gymnasts from the recreational club and the elite squad.

There is usually a theme; in 2002 it was the Commonwealth Games an easy one to do was the Circus. The highlight of the parade is to see the gymnasts tumbling through the streets. In 2002 we won the best dressed float.

We have missed a couple of years, one due to the weather and the second as we has to be very careful with insurance these days and we were unable to get the necessary cover in place in time. We were back in 2005.





Stockport Carnival 1999


Check out the pictures from 2002      Read more











Stockport Carnival 2005      Read more

Stockport 2000

Hazel Grove 1998