Text Box: Honorary Member: Malcolm Pugh and Brenda Smith.

The other roles in the club have been shared out as follows:

BG Registration Officer: Karen Dooley
BAGA Badge Scheme: Jane Hyland
Tuck shop stock: Julie Mansfield
Exchange Visit Liaison Officer: Louise Richardson
Fund Raising Secretary: Mike Dooley
Club Uniform: Debbie Waldron
Competition Awards: Joanne Richards
Competition Music: Bev Perkins
Web Site Manager: Mike Healy

We still have a vacancy for Publicity so if you are interested, please see Mike
Text Box: volunteer lists on the notice board in the gym for the Frank Williams. Slots are only for a couple of hours so not too demanding.
The AGM happened during April and the new committee is listed below. Thank you to all for agreeing to stand for the year. 
Text Box: Gym opening June
Open all sessions.

28th June
Display at Carla’s school.

12/13th July
The Frank Williams Competition at Dialstone. This is our biggest venture of the year and we need help.
Text Box: The AGM was held in April and your executive committee for 2008/9 was elected as follows:

Chairman: Mike Healy 
Club Secretary: Phil Richardson
Club Treasurer: Helen Sefton/Karen Wilson 
Head Coach: Simon Scanlon 
Recreational Co-ordinator: Mike Healy 
Welfare Officer: Sarah Johnson 
Health & Safety Officer: Jennifer Lambert 
Head Judge: Bev Perkins 
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Jenny Birtwistle 
Liaison Officer: Joanne Richards

Our Ex-officio members are:

Club President: Peter Stanway
Text Box: Missed the May newsletter and this one is very late and short. The competition calendar has been so hectic so no spare time to get the newsletter out. We will catch up with what has been going on in the July newsletter, but of course the website has been keeping up to date.
Text Box: Sophie Richards and Chloe Astley at the Phil Tighe Competition.
Text Box: There are 2 big events in the next month, we have a school display on Saturday 28th June and we have the Frank William competition on the weekend of 12/13th July. We need help for both events so no hiding please. The details of the display are on page 2 and there are
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