Text Box: We missed the display at Lower Park last year as the weather was poor. This year we go to Carla Mansfield’s School, St Wilfred’s CofE Primary School in Northerden and the weather will be great, fingers crossed.

There is a map below and we will be going in convoy, along the M60 looks like a good bet.

The school has a website as below:

The full address for those with Sat Nav is

St Wilfrids CofE Primary School
Patterdale Rd
M22 4NR

The timetable for the day will be roughly as follows:

1.00 Arrive at the gym, wait for rec gymnasts to disperse.
Text Box: 1.10 Start to load up all the equipment onto the 7 tonne wagon

1,30 Set off for the school, following Julie (possibly!)

1.50 Arrive School and set up

2.15 The display

3.00 Pack up and head back to the gym

3.30 Unload the wagon, set up for Sunday Training.

4.00 Finish

All to wear club leotards, if you haven’t got one see Bev as she has a few spare.

If it is raining or has been raining we will not be doing the display and it will be training in the gym as usual. If you are going straight there, then get there for 1.30 please. There is usually a chance to look around and spend some money and get an ice cream. Don’t forget the sunscreen.
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